HINDUSTAN All-nylon Fabric Conveyor Betting meets high performance specifications owing to its integrated construction. its flexibility allows it to be used for practically every application in the transportation of bulk materials. However large the quantity, HINDUSTAN Al-nylon Fabric Conveyor belting is able to achieve higher speeds over longer distances than other belting systems. All-nylon HINDUSTAN betting has a longer life and better performance in terms of cost per tonne of material conveyed.

1.Higher Tensile Strength

The high breaking strength of HINDUSTAN All-nylon fabric belts has enabled major rationalization of the traditional cotton/cotton belt range to be achieved. Thus two plies equal the strength of five plies of cotton fabric.

2.Higher Adhesion

The adhesion of HINDUSTAN Nylon Belting is nearly double than that of cotton reinforced belting due to the chemical bonding between cover to ply and ply to ply.

3. Complete Rot Resistance

Eliminates problem of fabric deterioration where wet material is being conveyed.

4. Reduced Belt Weight

HINDUSTAN Nylon Belting is easier to handle as it is comparatively lighter than equivalent all-cotton belts due to reduced number of plies and their lower weights


Straight Ply Construction

This consists of straight laid plies extending across the width of the belt.

Stepped Ply Construction

This consists of an additional rubber cushioning in the center of the belt. A gap is left in first ply (1 step) or in first and second piles (2 steps) on carrying side and that gap is filled with extra rubber cover to improve transverse flexibility.

Reverse stepped Ply Construction

This is just reverse of one stepped ply construction. Ply gap remains on the sides and is filled with extra rubber where more flexibility is required on edges. Such belt has been designed for submerged ash handling installation in the boller plants, that operates under water in a quenching trough. The thickness of rubber cover on back (i.e. bottom) is kept at 3.0/5.0 mm and on face (i.e. top) at 1.5/2.0 mm for such type of belt. The reason being that the belt is dragged along the bottom of the quenching trough due to which the wear and tear on the bottom of the belt is higher than the lop. This belt is offered in cottom fabric 32oz. duck in 'Heat Resistant' and ‘H-Tex` cover grades in 4/2, 5/3 and 6/4 reversed stepped plies.

Breaker Ply Construction

This consists of 'leno weave' breaker that is laid over the carcass with cords running transversely across the belt to provide protection against longitudinal impact breaks and may be included in the top and or bottom covers. The breaker fabrics are also used in pairs where they are laid on opposing 45° angles for extra severe impact protection. The processed breaker adds about 1 mm to the belt thickness.

Skim-Coated Piles

Piles may be skim coaled where service conditions are severe. An extra thickness of rubber coating may be inserted between the piles for improving inter-ply additions and or heat impact cushioning.

Edge Construction

HINDUSTAN All cotton conveyor belting is supplied in moulded edges to protect against edge wearing and prevent ingress of moisture, while all nylon conveyor belting can be supplied both in cut edges as well as in moulded edges. However, H.I.C. recommends a cut-edge construction due to complete rot resistance of the all-nylon belting.


From 150 mm to 2400 mm as per IS:1891 (LATEST) In open or endless length as per customer's requirements.

Hindustan All-Nylon


Hindustan All-Nylon Conveyor Belts are designated to indicate the minimum full thickness tensile strength and the number of fabric plies in the belt, for eg. All-Nylon 315/3 represents a belt having full thicknesstensile strength of min. 315 KN/M width, incorporating 3 piles of fabric.

Belt Designation Maximum Allowable working tension (vulcanised Splice) Maximum Belt Width (mm) for Adequate Load Support (Material Bulk Densiity in Kg./m³) Maximum Belt Width (mm) for Adequate Troughing          (Angle of Picking Idlers) Nominal Carcass Thickness Nominal Carcass Weight
Type Rating KN/m Upto 800 Upto 1500 Upto 2500 20° 35° 45° mm Kg/c.m. width/m.
GENERAL DUTY TYPE A 200/2 20 650 500 400 300 300 350 2.1 0.019
250/2 25 650 600 450 350 400 450 2.3 0.020
315/2 31 800 600 500 350 400 450 2.6 0.023
315/3 31 900 800 600 400 450 500 3.1 0.028
400/3 40 1050 900 650 500 500 500 3.6 0.028
500/3 50 1050 800 700 500 500 500 3.6 0.033
630/3 63 1200 900 800 500 500 500 3.8 0.035
HEAVY DUTY TYPE B 250/2 25 650 600 500 400 450 500 3.2 0.030
315/3 31 900 800 600 450 500 500 4.2 0.039
400/3 40 900 800 600 500 500 600 4.4 0.042
500/3 50 1200 1050 800 500 500 600 4.7 0.045
500/4 55 1250 1100 900 500 500 650 4.8 0.046
630/3 63 1250 1100 900 500 500 650 4.9 0.047
630/4 70 1400 1200 1000 500 650 800 5.4 0.052
800/4 90 1500 1250 1050 650 800 900 5.6 0.054
EXTRA HEAVY TYPE C 500/4 55 1400 1200 1050 500 500 650 6.3 0.061
630/4 70 1500 1400 1250 500 500 650 6.9 0.067
800/4 90 1600 1500 1400 500 500 650 7.0 0.070
1000/4 110 1600 1500 1400 500 650 800 7.9 0.074

The above represents the standard range of HINDUSTAN Conveyor Belting. However, other constructions can be exclusively designed and manufactured against specific requirements. The values given above are approximate and should only be taken into account for estimating the total weight and thickness of the belting. In the light of technological development, HIC reserve the right to alter the specification parameters without notice.

Cover Grades

The rubber cover should be selected wisely by taking in to the account the type of material to be handled and the operating condition of the belt."Hindustan" Rubber Conveyor Belting is available in the following grades.

Grade Confirming To Standards Application Physical Properties
Characterstics Material Reference Material Temp. Range Tensile Strength (min.) Elonganation (Min.) Abrasion (Max)*
General Purpose
M-24 IS.1891
(Part 1)
BS. 490
(Part 1)
High tensile strength and superior in abrasion, cut and gauge resistance. Recommended for transporting higly abrasive materials. Metalic ore Coke stone Copper ore Limestone Broker glass etc. (-) 45⁰ C to + 60⁰ C 245Kg/cm² 450% 150mm³
N-17 IS.1891
(Part 1)
BS. 490
(Part 1)
Recommended for transporting moderately abrasive and non-abrasive materials. Coal Wood chips Fines ores clay Unground Cement etc. (-) 35⁰ C to + 60⁰ C 175Kg/cm² 400% mm³
Special Purpose
H-TEX   Moderate tenslie strength and excellent in abrasion resistance exclusively manufactured by H.I.C. Copper ore Fertilizers sand etc. (-) 45⁰ C to + 60⁰ C 140Kg/cm² 400% 100mm³
Heat Resistant
HR IS. 1891
(Part ll)
Super in heat and abrasion resistance . Cement Chemicals Soda ash etc. (+) 65⁰C to + 120⁰ C 130Kg/cm² 350% 250mm³
SUPER HR - Heat and abrasion resistant. Cement clinker Foundry sand sintered ore etc. (+) 65⁰C to + 150⁰ C 130Kg/cm² 350% 250mm³
SUPERIOR HEAT RESISTANT - Surface of rubber cover hardens by heat and shallow cracks occasionally . Iron pellet Hot coke burnt limestone etc. (+) 65⁰C to + 180⁰ C 100Kg/cm² 350% 250mm³
Oil Resistant
OR IS. 1891
(Part lll)
Excellent resistance to meneral, vegetable and animal oils. Material with crude petroleum, Tar sand, oil sand etc. (-) 25⁰ C to + 60⁰ C 125Kg/cm² 250% 350mm³
(Part IV)
Non-toxic, tasteless and odourless. Recommended for handling foodstuffs Tea, Coffee, Pharmaceuticals etc. (-) 20⁰ C to + 60⁰ C 100Kg/cm² 350% 350mm³
Fire Resistant
FR ISO 284 Fire resistance and anti-static. Coal, Coke, Sulphur etc. (-) 45⁰ C to + 60⁰ C 110Kg/cm² 400% 200mm³

(Remark) * Testing method of abrasion as per DIN22102
*Special cover grades have also been developed depending upon services conditions, viz, Chemical Resistant grade for conveying chemically active substances.

Please consult us for special grades or for your other requirements.

About us

“HINDUSTAN” Brand is quite popular in domestic market and on high demand. In fact the zeal to attain perfection is reflected in our efforts by making no compromise on quality.


Registered Office:
Hindustan Industrial Corporation
Alok House, E - 217,
New Rajinder Nagar,
New Delhi - 110060, Delhi, India

45/13/1, Village & P.O. Prahladpur,
Bawana Road, Delhi - 110042, India
Phone: 011-28743968 / 45067228
Mobile: +91-9810591968 +91-9873929721


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